

The contents of this site are copyright 2021 LEAM Lab, University of Illinois

Data sources

The landcover data comes from 2016 National Land Cover Database, provided by the US Geological Survey ( Carbon sequestration values of forest, wetland, grassland, and farmland were acquired from a USGS baseline survey of carbon storage (Zhu and Reed, 2014,


Photograph: Restored tallgrass prairie in DuPage County by cassi saari. Licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License.

Restored tallgrass prairie in DuPage County Illinois by cassi saari
Restored tallgrass prairie in DuPage County Illinois by cassi saari

Photograph: Tree Lined Road by Chris McAuley. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic License.

Tree Lined Road by Chris McAuley
Tree Lined Road by Chris McAuley

Photograph: Wetland, Skipwith Common by J Thomas. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic License.

Wetland, Skipwith Common by J Thomas

Photograph: Forest in Ryssbergen by Arild Vågen. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Forest in Ryssbergen by Arild Vågen

Map: Several Villages in the Illinois Country with Part of the River Mississippi by Thomas Hutchins, 1778. This work is in the public domain in the United States.

Several Villages in the Illinois Country with Part of the River Mississippi by Thomas Hutchins